Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is a principle that states that cable and phone companies should not censor information that travels along their lines. But these large companies are not following the principle.

In September 2007, Verizon didn't allow a pro-choice group to send a text-message campaign over its mobile network. Comcast didn't allow members of the public to upload content from BitTorrent in October 2007. AT&T has bleeped out lyrics from songs that were anti-Bush.

These large cable and phone companies don't like the Net Neutrality principle. They want to control the content that passes through their lines. They would also like to charge people different amounts for Internet service, according to Landel Hobbs, Chief Operating Officer or Time Warner Cable, here:

We must not allow these companies get what they want. If we do, information will be controlled by large companies. Any information that they disagree with will not get to the public.

The only way for democracy to function is if the public is knowledgeable. How can the public be knowledgeable, if large companies control all the information? Simply put, it can't.

So lets protect democracy by making Net neutrality a law.

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