Saturday, March 28, 2009

How to Write a Post?

The first time I blogged, I wasn't sure how I was supposed to write a post. Was I supposed to be objective? That didn't seem right, because I knew that most blogs tended to be personal. I, however, did not want my blog to turn into a journal. I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing that anyone could read about what was happening in my life. (I can't even bring myself to putting a status message on Facebook.) I figured that I would write my blog in a semi-formal way. I would relay some type of information, and give my opinion on it.

As I have been writing this blog for the past two months, I have realized that there is no wrong way to write a blog. I can write it anyway I want, because it's mine. It's my little piece of this huge cyber universe.

Through my blog, I can make my own mark on the web. How big of a mark am I leaving? Probably not big. I doubt anyone besides my professor is reading this blog, but I'm fine with that. I don't write it for others; I write it for me.

Therefore, I need to be happy with how I write this blog. And right now, I am happy with it.

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